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Bonfire Chats Blog

Best Thing I've Ever Pulled Off
Jump: 1471 Halloween Day 2020 *If you don't want to read all this stuff, that's fine. There's 90 second video at the end of the story*...

Summer at Skydive New England
The rumors are true. In a few short weeks around the end of April, I will be making the migration north to Skydive New England for the...

Joining the Cookie Athlete Team
I'm excited to announce that I am joining the Cookie Composites family as a Cookie athlete. I couldn't be more excited about the...

Sunset High Pull Chit-Chat at 10,000ft
So, this was the day after I got my license down at ZHills with Noah. It was my first time on the sunset load, and a bunch of people...

Overcoming Fear and Injuries
The year of 2020 has not started well for most of us. I was not an exception. The death of a family member on April 25th and then a car...

A couple of skydivers
Hi Noah! My skydiving journey started with a second tandem at Skydive New England, where right before my partner and I got geared up, we...

Fear of the dreaded Hop N Pops
So this is my story. I was down at Zhills for AFF training followed by A-License training for most of the winter. I was traveling down...

Across the pond to face the DOOR MONSTER
I'm 56, and from the U.K. I decided that I wanted to learn to skydive, but the British have an age limit of 50! I have since learned that...

Watching Skydiving on a 3 Channel TV
Hi Noah, I was 6-8 years old living in southern NM on an air force base, when the show "Ripcord" was on the TV. We received 3 channels...

Freefall Data Systems Partnership
I'm excited to announce a partnership with Freefall Data Systems. Freefall Data Systems is small company centered around altitude...
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