Clarke Air Sports

Becoming a skydiver changed my life in 2013, and I love to share that experience with other people. During a about a 6 hour ground school, we can prepare you for your first non-tandem skydive! Reservations must be made in advance.
If you are interested in becoming a skydiver please check out the Learn to Skydive Solo page on Skydive New England's website.
If you have more questions and want to contact me directly I've linked my contact info below.
Ready to start your training?
Returning SNE Customers use Discount Code "returnaff2"
I will not necessarily be your ground school instructor but you can request me for your jumps. Let me know if you're signing up and I might be able to be your instructor for the ground school as well.

​Q:How many tandems do you have to do?
A:While some dropzones require a tandem(s), it is not a requirement to do a tandem according to the United States Parachute Association. You can go straight to ground school and jump out without anyone strapped to you. You'll have 2 instructors holding onto your sides during that first freefall, and slowly build skills necessary for more independence from there.
Q:How many jumps and what does it take to actually become an A-Licensed skydiver?
A:You must complete a minimum of 25 skydives, complete the A-License Progression Card, and pass a written and oral exam.
Q:How much will it cost to become a licensed skydiver?
A: At Skydive New England the ground school is $155 and your first jump is $245. If you are a returning customer to Skydive New England you can use the coupon code "returnaff2" and pay $340 for the ground school and first jump together. The entire A-License will cost $3,045 at Skydive New England if you don't repeat any jumps.
Q: How long will it take to earn my A-License?
A: There are a million variables including weather, dropzone operations, personal ability, and time availability so this question is impossible to answer. Be prepared to dedicate some time though and make it a point to jump a minimum of once every 30 days or you will need refresher training. I've seen people earn their A-License in less than a week, and I've seen those who chip away at it over the course of a couple years.
Q: After I'm licensed how much do jumps cost?
A: On average a jump ticket for a licensed skydiver will cost around $30 anywhere in the USA. (Rig rental not included)
Q: How much does equipment rental or purchase cost?
A: Equipment rental can vary a lot but I would say its usually roughly the cost of a jump ticket per jump. Buying your own equipment has a large range as well. I bought my first setup used for $1,600 but nicer new custom equipment can cost five times that. A good budget for quality used equipment is a few thousand dollars.

3000+ Skydives
Camera Flyer
Demonstration Jumps
I am experienced working at both small 182 drop zones and world famous operations like Skydive City/Zhills. I take pride in my work and the students who I teach. I can also offer private instruction for jumpers working toward their A-License and beyond. Please reach out if you're interested in becoming a skydiver.
I also am available for demonstration jumps. I would love to collaborate on specialty jump projects and anything else in the wonderful world of canopy sports.